My wife Carmi and I are the founders of Standing in the Gap. It is the Intercessory Prayer ministry of Creating Futures. focusing on praying for Individuals, Fairfield Bay Arkansas, America, the body of Christ. You can read About Standing in the Gap, the Vision, and the Mission. Currently our main focus is on Fairfield Bay.
Being Proactive
Almost for sure because of the current environment of Fairfield Bay, there will be people who will be questioning our motives. Almost for sure at some point there will be some who will spread rumors, gossip, etc. Hopefully, this article will alleviate some of the drama.
Carmi and I live in the Cherokee Park neighborhood of Greers Ferry AR. Thus we do not live in the City Limits of Fairfield Bay or Greers Ferry. We do not live in Van Buren County. Thus we cannot vote on any issue or in any elections in Fairfield Bay.
Our son, Joshua, who has some disabilities does own a house and lives in Fairfield Bay so what goes on in Fairfield Bay does have some affect upon him. Especially if property values goes down in Fairfield Bay. Especially if there infrastructure issues. Note: He tries his best to stay far from the drama in Fairfield Bay.
Our Motivation
The answer(s) to that question is answered if you read the About, Vision, Mission, and Blog sections of this website. Our motives are stated clearly. We have no other motivation.
Carmi and I are strongly committed followers of Christ who over the years have been led by the Lord to do ministry in challenging realms. When we moved to Arkansas to become part-time retirees, our goal was to be laid back and mainly 'minister' to one another, other than when there has been ministry opportunities that have come our way.
As we became more and more aware of the issues in Fairfield Bay it became clear that there needs to be prayer for Fairfield Bay, there needs to be a move of God, a transformation of lives. That is why we are doing what we are doing. We want to see God move in such a way in Fairfield Bay that no one, not even an atheist cannot deny it was the Hand of God. We want to see the Name of Jesus lifted up and God glorified. That's it.
It is not our goal to start a church or to compete with local churches.
We have no 'alliances' with any person or entity other than to the Godhead. We certainly will align ourselves with individuals who also have the burden to pray for Individuals, Fairfield Bay Arkansas, America, the body of Christ. Their Political Party affiliation, who they support or do not support in Fairfield Bay politics, etc is immaterial to us as long as their heart is to see God transform Fairfield Bay.
My wife Carmi, is the Prayer Warrior. I am the guy who likes to be in the front lines, confronting evil, bringing truth, preaching the Word. But hear is the truth, if we are in a spiritual battle, then the front lines is praying and interceding first. That is why we started Standing in the Gap.
Questions? Concerns?
Our contact information is on this website. We would love to meet with you one-on-one. Be aware we will not get into Facebook debates.
Richard Dover (PreacherRichD) is the founder of Creating Futures. Richard has been involved in ministry for over for over 43 years. Some of the areas of ministry he has been involved in is addiction and sober housing ministry, community development, evangelism, jail & prison ministry, pastoral counseling, police chaplaincy, Radio & TV ministry, street ministry, youth ministry. Richard was a youth leader, an outreach pastor and senior pastor. He was also an Executive Director of a faith-based sober housing program.