Microcosm-a community, place, or situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger.
Much of the drama that is taking place in Fairfield Bay, AR is a microcosm of what is taking place in America. Sadly, much of it is negative, especially in regard to the political arena. There is much division, hatred, bitterness, personal attacking, name calling, insinuations and accusations, taking of sides that become unholy alliances, all of which ultimately leads to much turmoil and discontent.
Like America, almost all the negativity is generated by the extremes. The appearance on the surface is that nobody must be happy in America or in Fairfield Bay. One of the reasons for this is there are those with personal agendas that use this us against them mindset to gain 'supporters'. In America it is the Radical Right and Extreme Left. In Fairfield Bay it is the Fairfield Bay Community Club vs the Mayor, Mayor vs Fairfield Bay Community Club. Mayor Supporters against City Council Members, and other forms of US vs THEM. What is interesting in Fairfield Bay is Republicans and Democrats may be extreme in their political beliefs but they have no problem uniting together against the THEM in Fairfield Bay.
Carnal Christians
There are those who claim to be Christians but they manifest many of the characteristics of Satan. Instead of walking in the Fruit of the Spirit, they are manifesting acts of the flesh. So whose side are they on? It is confusing.
With all the drama that takes place it becomes confusing on what is true and what is false. This is because sadly the extremes have a the end justifies the means mindset. Ungodly actions and behavior, deception, manipulation is okay if it helps you achieve your desired end. Thus, it is hard to know what is actual truth or deception.
Needless to say, with all the drama it can be very discouraging. So much so, in Fairfield Bay there are individuals and businesses that are leaving the community. There are those watching from the outside that have made the decision that maybe Fairfield Bay is not the city to live in.
Fairfield Bay-Social Media
In America Social Media has become a venue where many show no self-constraint and use it to spew poison, hatred, vindictiveness, and half-truths. In many of the Fairfield Bay Facebook Groups it can become very extreme. To put it more blunt-it become pure evil. Calling good evil and evil good.
Solution-Standing in the Gap
So what is the answer to all this negativity? First, do not make decisions based upon what you hear or read on Facebook. Verify, verify, verify. Do not let the extremes discourage you. Remember their goal is to divide and conquer.
Pray, Pray, Pray. Realize that there is much more going on than what you see in the natural realm. There is spiritual warfare taking place. Pray, Stand in the Gap for Fairfield Bay. Pray for truth and righteousness to prevail. Pray for respect and honor to rise up among leaders and they will walk the higher ground. Pray for individuals to move beyond past wounds and bitterness. Pray for a move of God in Fairfield Bay-Lives Transformed.
Pray that Fairfield Bay will be a microcosm of what happens when the Holy Spirit takes over a community.
Richard Dover (PreacherRichD) is the founder of Creating Futures. Richard has been involved in ministry for over for over 43 years. Some of the areas of ministry he has been involved in is addiction and sober housing ministry, community development, evangelism, jail & prison ministry, pastoral counseling, police chaplaincy, Radio & TV ministry, street ministry, youth ministry. Richard was a youth leader, an outreach pastor and senior pastor. He was also an Executive Director of a faith-based sober housing program.