Why Christians Need to Repent
Why Christians Need to Repent

Why the Church/Body of Christ Needs to Repent

A. Unbiblical Theology taking over denominations, churches, thus Christians.

B. Falling Away-Apostasy

In reality most of the apostasy appears to be from the lack of discipleship. Many churches with Bible Studies, inReach, but very little discipleship. Much religion, little righteousness.

Like one pastor friend said about the Bible Belt. “Everyone has been inoculated with the Gospel but few discipled.” That explains so much worldliness and carnality in the body of Christ.

C. Putting saving a nation above saving souls. Do not see that in Scripture. Can you do both? Absolutely! But many ‘Christian Nationalists’ talking about saving America, but little about saving souls. They will post on FB all kinds of political stuff, get in debates with co-workers about politics and condemn people on their ungodly beliefs and actions but do nothing to minister to the lost. Replace the word ‘nation’ with other things that become more important than the Gospel.

D. Not making the Great Commission number one priority. Winning Souls AND Making Disciples should be our main focus.

Jesus never commanded us to save a nation. A nation with the Gospel as #1 priority will almost for sure be protected by God.

E. Christians in the political world behaving like the lost. Being okay with fake news, fake memes as long as it supports their cause. Name calling, labeling, poisonous words. Manifesting hatred.

F. The entire avoidance of public corporate prayer. Prayer is avoided like a virus.

(So many Christians quote 2 Chronicles 7:14, If My people, humble, seek face, pray, I will heal their land. Notice it does not say if the lost humble themselves, seek God’s will, pray.)

In America many Christians would rather join in campaigning/fighting causes rather than join in praying. They rather join in going to a football game than pray. They rather complain about a political party/government leader than pray for them.

G. Repenting of not being light bearers but being false witness bearers. False witness by claiming to be Christians but living ungodly immoral lives. False witness by spreading rumors, lies, accusations, insinuations, conspiracy theories, fake stuff. Manifesting the character of Satan.

H. Repenting for not repenting.

I. Blaming sinners for the collapse of the nation instead of blaming themselves for not doing the Great Commission which brings the collapse of the nation-God removes His hand from the nation.

The Bible makes it clear that judgment starts with the House of God. Sinners sin, Saints are to walk in the character of God. When saints sin it weakens the Gospel message. It grieves the Spirit of God.

J. Greed, materialism, idol worship (sports, entertainment, technology). Think about how many Christians will spend thousands of dollars on this stuff and almost nothing on missions or supporting various ministries. (One of the reasons Jesus said “the poor will always be among us” is because He knew that greed will always be among us.)

BTW it is not how much time and money we give to the Kingdom of God, it is what percentage and the condition of our heart. A person making $500,000 a year will say “I give $60,000.” Is that sacrificial giving for them? Remember the widow with the mite.

How much time is spent on worldliness?

K. No call to holiness, purity, sanctification-it is avoided. No church discipline. Winking at evil. Look at all the sexual sin in the Church. All the scandals because the sin was not dealt with. Actual cover up over and over and over again. No accountability.

Revival/Move of God in America

Almost every time there has been a major move of God or revival in America it has occurred because of Christians praying and repenting, not the lost. The lost repenting followed after the body of Christ was humbling themselves/repenting, seeking God, and praying. So why are we expecting repentance to come from the lost for revival to start.

This is why overall there is no move of God at so called Revival Meetings. The saved think they have nothing to repent of and they are waiting for the lost to repent.

Standing in the Gap
So what do we do as Christians? We Stand in the Gap. We pray for there to be repentance among the body of Christ. That there will be a remnant that will Stand in the Gap. We set the example by us repenting. We pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to come upon the body of Christ. We pray that as Christ Followers repent that the lost will repent.

Intercessory Prayer
Tuesdays, 4:45pm, Saturdays, 5:30pm
130 Village Pl, Suite 1-F, Fairfield Bay in Towne Center behind Village Market and next to ATV Encounters.
Call 1-866-WANTGOD, 1-866-926-8463, for details or to request prayer.

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