When is it Okay?
When is it Okay?

WHEN????? Is it every okay????
When is it okay to assume, insinuate, mock, label, name call, make fun of a person's name, or their looks? Is that what Christians do? Is that what mature adults do? Does anyone like others to do it to them?

When is it okay to claim to know the thoughts and motives of a person? Is that what Christians do? Does anyone like others to do it to them?

When is it okay to justify such behavior? Is this not a form of bullying? But those who do not will say: "There is nothing wrong with my behavior, I am just speaking my mind." "I am just speaking truth." "Grow up and not be offended." These are justifications for ungodly behavior. It is the character of Satan.

When does this type of behavior ever encourage discussion, dialogue, positive interaction, any form of unity?

When does such behavior bring positive change.

When is it good to align yourself with someone who has such behavior, other than to try and speak truth to them? Other than to show them the errors of their way. If nothing else we should never praise or condone such behavior.

This type of behavior encourages hatred, malice, bitterness, division, strife. It is unhealthy for a community and a nation.

Any Christian who manifests such behavior should repent of this type of behavior.

Anyone who manifests this type of behavior most likely has issues in their life. Some have been wounded by others and have become a bully to make sure they are never hurt again. Some are very flawed human beings. We can choose to 'outdo them in being mean'. That reveals that we ourselves need pray. We can condemn them but that does not bring positive change. We need to pray for them.

Pray that God will send someone to them that can earn trust with them to be able to speak truth into their life.

Pray for healing to their soul.

If they claim to be a Christ Follower pray that God will convict them of their behavior and repent.

Pray they will make amends to those who they have harmed.

Let's Pray for a Move of God-Let's Pray for Revival
Intercessory Prayer
Tuesdays, 4:45pm, Saturdays, 6:30pm
130 Village Pl, Suite 1-F, Fairfield Bay in Towne Center behind Village Market and next to ATV Encounters.
Call 1-866-WANTGOD, 1-866-926-8463, for details or to request prayer.

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