The end justifies the means idiom meaning: That a desired end result is so good or important that any method, even a morally/ethically bad one, may be used to achieve it.
It is the mindset that half-truths, twisting facts, blatant lies, deception, is okay if it helps me accomplish my end result. Sadly this can be the practice of some leaders and their followers.
“Having good intentions” does not justify such behavior.
“But the end result will be good for everyone” does not justify such behavior. Invariably people are harmed in the process.
Bearing False Witness
Ultimately the end justifies the means behavior is the intentional bearing of false witness-lying. This is the character of Satan and should never be the character of a Christian. We are called to speak truth, not lies.
Another form of this is hypocrisy. A person will be mean hateful, spiteful, and then suddenly act kind, caring, even spiritual to try and win favor or a cause. It is just another form of deception.
Sadly, there are those who claim to be Christians that practice all of the described behavior.
As Christians we should pray we do not fall prey to such tactics in our own lives, or believe the deception of those who practice such behavior.
As Christians we should never condone, justify, excuse such behavior.
We should pray for all forms of deception to be exposed.
We should pray that those who practice such deception to repent. We should pray that they not only repent but that they make amends-apologize to those they have harmed by their lies.
Tuesdays, 4:45pm, Saturdays, 5:30pm
130 Village Pl, Suite 1-F, Fairfield Bay in Towne Center behind Village Market and next to ATV Encounters.
Call 1-866-WANTGOD, 1-866-926-8463, for details or to request prayer.
Richard Dover (PreacherRichD) is the founder of Creating Futures. Richard has been involved in ministry for over for over 43 years. Some of the areas of ministry he has been involved in is addiction and sober housing ministry, community development, evangelism, jail & prison ministry, pastoral counseling, police chaplaincy, Radio & TV ministry, street ministry, youth ministry. Richard was a youth leader, an outreach pastor and senior pastor. He was also an Executive Director of a faith-based sober housing program.