Pettiness-Root of Many Problems
Pettiness-Root of Many Problems

Lets take a look at some definitions of the word pettiness and answer the question "What is the fruit of the spirit of pettiness.

Definition of Pettiness
Undue concern with trivial matters, especially of a small-minded or spiteful nature.

The quality of being unimportant, frivolous, or caring too much about small matters, especially when it is unkind to others.

Insignificance, triviality, unimportance, irrelevance, smallness, worthlessness, and meanness.

Getting angry about things that are not important.

The quality or condition of being of little, lesser, or no importance, consequence, or merit; insignificance.

Lack of importance or worth; triviality.

The fruit of pettiness is far from being a good thing.

Fruit of the Spirit of Pettiness
Spiteful, unkind to others, meanness, getting angry. Name calling, labeling, mocking, vicious, judgmental, spewing poisonous words, claiming to know the heart and motives of others, unforgiveness, bitterness, spite, hate.

Character traits of Petty People
They are always looking for problems, thus they read into everything with negativity.
They create problems when there were no problems.
Misinterpret situations because of their biases.
False accusations and insinuations.
They put positive labels on their petty behavior-concerned, standing for truth, doing what is the right thing.
Angry and upset when things do not go the way they want them to go.
Happiness is not one of their traits.

Harm Done by Petty People
They bring division, disunity, discouragement. They make innocent people appear to be guilty of something they are not guilty of, thus bringing false distrust. They build ungodly alliances, drawing others into their pettiness. Petty people attract other petty people

Fairfield Bay and Surrounding Area
If you look at the behavior of some individuals, if you look at the unrest in some communities, if you look at the drama that takes place, if you look at the fruit, it becomes clear that much of this is caused by a spirit of pettiness. Pettiness is not the fruit of the spirit, but the fruit of the devil. Knowingly or unknowingly individuals that participate in pettiness or cooperating with the devil.

Pray that we are not the cause of pettiness and do not participate in petty behavior.
Pray that we do not make unholy alliances with petty individuals.
Pray that petty behavior is exposed for what it is-pettiness.
Pray that repentance will come upon those who operate in pettiness.
We need to ask God to reveal the root behind the spirit of pettiness-why has it been allowed to reign over Fairfield Bay and the surrounding area.