Background-My wife Carmi and I have gained more insight into why the Lord has called us to minister in Fairfield Bay, Arkansas even though we live in between Greers Ferry and Drasco, Arkansas. All we knew in 2024 was that we were to intercede for Fairfield Bay in regard to all the political drama happening in Fairfield Bay. To pray in regard to the poisonous words spoken by individuals on social media, the ungodly behavior manifested by individuals, the unholy alliances, the hatred and disunity within the community. We understood that with us living outside of City Limits no one could accuse us of having political motivation for what we do. At the time we felt there may be more, (there was a missing piece) but did not know what the more was to be.
Saturate USA/Saturate Arkansas
In the Fall of 2024 we became familiar with a nationwide ministry called Saturate USA. It is a ministry focused on getting the gospel into every household in the USA. That was one of the MORE-Missing Pieces. The need to get the Gospel into Fairfield Bay. Many claim to be Christians but by the behavior they manifest they are either in a backslidden state or are not truly born again. Through Saturate USA we can get the gospel into every home. Out of this the Lord lead us into making a commitment to get the gospel into every household in Arkansas-Saturate Arkansas.
There is Hope Radio
In the past I did a radio show for several years. It was called There is Hope Radio. At the end of 2024 I started feeling a strong tug to 'resurrect' There is Hope Radio. It was clear to me that there was a drought of Truth Telling with Love and Hope, covered in Prayer. I saw a great need for it in Fairfield Bay and communities throughout America. So There is Hope Radio airs weekly via radio broadcasts and podcasts.
At the beginning of 2025 the Lord gave Carmi and I even more insight as to why He called us to minister in the city of Fairfield Bay, and that it extends into Shirley, Arkansas. For most people who live in the area of Fairfeld Bay, Arkansas they think of tourism, 'well to do' retirees moving to Fairfield Bay, older long term residents. There is another part of Fairfield Bay that you do not hear about, not sure if it is intentional or lack of awareness-the 'ghetto area' of Fairfield Bay.
Addiction/Child Abuse/Poverty/Hopelessness
There are portions of Fairfield Bay and certainly Shirley that are not the beautiful homes on the lake or surrounding the golf courses. There are households where this active uncontrolled alcohol and drug use, broken families, all sorts of child neglect or abuse taking place, poverty, and an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. There is a great need for a move of God, not only in the realm of the political divisiveness in Fairfield Bay, a move of God in the lives of those who proclaim to be Christians but manifest the character of Satan, but also a move of God in the homes of the hopeless. We should do all we can to Create Positive Futures through the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every realm possible-the goal of our ministry called Creating Futures.
New Insight-Much Work
Need Laborers-A Coalition of the Willing
With all the insight we have gained it is obvious we are in need of Laborers, those who are willing to help us minister to Fairfield Bay/Shirley Arkansas. A Coalition of the Willing. Willing to sacrifice for the Kingdom, for the sake of others. Those who are called to be intercessors, those who are called to take the Gospel outside the walls of the church, those who are called to take worship outside the walls of the church, those who are called to get their hands and feet dirty for the sake of the Kingdom.
Just maybe if you read through this long blog article God is calling you to be part of The Coalition of the Willing. Is there more that you want to do for the Kingdom than what your church is doing? Be faithful to your church but maybe God is calling you to do more. Through our various ministries, you have the opportunity to do more. Give me a call, 501-710-4832.
Creating Futures, Saturate Arkansas, Standing in the Gap, and There is Hope Radio purposes are not to replace the local church. There are local churches doing what God has called them to do. The goal of ministry is to do what the local church cannot do, or refuses to do.
Richard Dover (PreacherRichD) is the founder of Creating Futures. Richard has been involved in ministry for over for over 43 years. Some of the areas of ministry he has been involved in is addiction and sober housing ministry, community development, evangelism, jail & prison ministry, pastoral counseling, police chaplaincy, Radio & TV ministry, street ministry, youth ministry. Richard was a youth leader, an outreach pastor and senior pastor. He was also an Executive Director of a faith-based sober housing program.