Never Good Enough
Never Good Enough


Have you ever had a parent, a family, a teacher. a boss, a spouse, a ‘friend’, and in their eyes you were never good enough? No matter  what you did, no matter how hard you tried, and how sincere you were, you were NEVER GOOD ENOUGH! You were never recognized for anything good you did. FYI, that was a dysfunctional relationship. It certainly wounded you. Sadly, you can end up being the same way with others.

Mindset in Fairfield Bay
The  mindset of some individuals in Fairfield Bay is it seems in their mind there are some people in City Government, the Community Club, that are never good enough for them.

But it gets worse. There is the ganging up on certain individuals. Making accusations, insinuations, inferences, (with no proof), labeling, name calling, spewing half-truths and poisonous words, finding and pointing out every flaw in someone,  totally ignoring any good characteristics they may have, or any good deeds they have done. They do this, while claiming to stand for truth. Here is the truth-some people are NEVER GOOD ENOUGH for them-all they have is criticism.  

For some of you who are reading this you may be the victim and you are dishing it right back. ALL OF THIS IS EXTREMELY DYSFUNCTIONAL. Sadly, it is a microcosm of what is taking place in America.

Sadly there are Christians that participate in this behavior.

To get real it can become a form of abuse-continual, unrelenting attacking of a person is abuse.

A. Call the behavior what it is, sin, abuse, wrong, and not of God. It is the character of Satan, ‘the accuser of the brethren’.

B. If you are guilty of such behavior acknowledge it, confess it, and stop excusing and justifying it. Stop thinking “I am not as bad as…..”

C. Repent of it!  When you stumble repent again and again until you get the victory. 

D. Speak only facts and truth with mercy, love, and pure motives. Speak against wrong behavior and actions, not attacking the person with hate and vindictiveness.

E. If you are the victim, do not make others the victim, or get others to join with you to gain up on the abuser/bully. That is just another form of evil.

F. If the person that is in error refuses to acknowledge their wrong behavior or refuses to change their behavior there needs to be appropriate consequences, especially if they are in any form of leadership position.

G. If the person confesses their behavior, asks forgiveness and shows fruits of repentance, they should be given mercy, and grace, the same amount you would want to be given. 

H. Give credit where credit is due.

I. Learn how to agree to disagree.

J. Take a stand against such behavior.

A. Let’s first ask the Holy Spirit where we are in error, confess, and repent.

B.  Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to others where they are in error and that they will repent, publicly, where they have done harm publicly. 

C. Pray for leaders to humble themselves and set the example.

D. Pray for sincere apologies and amends where it is needed.

E. Pray for Christians to manifest the character of Christ.

F. Pray for a transformation to take place. Leaders finding ways to work together for the common good instead of personal agendas and seeing everyone who disagrees with them as enemies. 

Let's Pray for a Move of God-Let's Pray for Revival
Intercessory Prayer
Tuesdays, 4:45pm, Saturdays, 6:30pm
130 Village Pl, Suite 1-F, Fairfield Bay in Towne Center behind Village Market and next to ATV Encounters.
Call 1-866-WANTGOD1-866-926-8463, for details or to request prayer.

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