Healthy Communication
Healthy Communication

Many of the problems in homes, communities, our nation, in the world would be lessened if each of us practiced Healthy Communication. Sadly instead of healthy communication there is unhealthy communication: spewing of poisonous words, name calling, labeling, mocking, claiming to know the motives of others. The end result is there is hurt feelings that leads to resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, and hatred.

The very first thing that needs to be done to create an environment of healthy communication is each of us acknowledging that at times we fall short in communicating in a way that is beneficial.

Tips on communicating in a more healthy manner
Speak the truth in love.
Watch the Words you Speak
Speak with Kindness
Be Aware of Body Language
Make eye contact, maintain good posture, be mindful of facial expressions.
Have empathy
Consider the other person’s perspective, emotions, and circumstances.
Be Concise
Do not ramble on, never getting to your main points.
Avoid Anger and Resentment
Calm down, reflect on your emotions, and respond in a constructive and respectful manner.
Listen Actively

Here is the transcript of this broadcast.

Healthy Communication Podcast