Change a Community-Foot Washing
Change a Community-Foot Washing

I know, what a strange topic-Change a Community by Foot Washing. The topic of foot washing, itself, sounds really strange, then add to it the phrase change a community. Before you write off what I have to say, I dare you to read this entire blog article. You just might say AMEN after reading it. Or you will at least know how crazy I am. I acknowledge this is long and will take some time to read, but I think it will be worth it.
(This is focused on the community of Fairfield Bay, AR but is applicable in a variety of other arenas.)

Jesus and Foot Washing
Most people, Christian or not, know about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples, including Peter who would deny Him at one point, and Judas who would betray Him. Reminder, Jesus washed the feet of ALL the disciples, and only John was mentioned being at the Cross. But do not be too quick to write off the concept of foot washing. What was the purpose of Jesus washing their feet. It was to be an example of servanthood leadership. It was an example of being humble even with those who would deny or betray you. It was an example of ultimate sacrificial love. Other than Judas (who by his decision turned himself over to Satan), the disciples certainly thought of Jesus' example many times and applied the principle in their lives. They were certainly transformed by Jesus humility, which brought humility into their own lives.

Foot Washing Changed My Life
At one time I was a member of a church that believed in the Ordinance of Foot Washing. They believed that foot washing was more than washing dirty feet. (That is an actually a lame argument to use against the concept of foot washing ordinance. Jesus' was certainly doing more than washing dirty feet.) There are two times in my life that I saw God work through a foot washing ceremony.
A. I was in a leadership role in a church. There was a conflict between myself and a long-time elder. I personally believe the elder was very prideful, but at the same time I could have handled a situation with him in a different manner. During a foot washing ceremony I asked him to allow me to wash his feet. He allowed me to so. I got on my knees and 'washed his feet', praying over him. I was struck with remorse of how I allowed myself to be offended by him and to have been a stumbling block to him. I apologized to him. He apologized to me. We became very close friends. In fact, I saw him as a father to me and his wife as a mother to me, and they treated me as part of their family.

B. In the church I was in the foot washing guideline was for men to 'wash' men's feet and women to 'wash' women's feet. That day I was really discouraged about some things in my past. No one would know what I was feeling but God Himself. Out of nowhere three women walked up to me and said "God specifically spoke to all three of us to wash your feet. Father God has heard the cry of your heart." There is no time to go into all the details of why this was so significant but I can tell you that my life was changed that day.

Change a Community-Foot Washing
Can a foot washing ceremony change a community? I do not know if it could or not. But this I absolutely know-it would certainly change the hearts of some people. For some, if not many, it would just be a vain act. But I am absolutely convinced it would change the hearts of some of the participants. Maybe for many it would only be one-sided, but any kind of positive change in a community is a good thing.

Many of the issues in Fairfield Bay and communities across America is pride, narcissism, self-righteousness. There is unforgiveness, bitterness, spite, and vengeance towards those who have been hateful and mean. It is extremely hard to hold unto these mindsets when you are washing someone's feet or they are washing your feet. Those reading this article most likely know of individuals that fit in the above categories. Imagine them washing each other's feet. I know what you say, IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!

Standing in the Gap
I would agree, overall impossible. But what if only a few 'enemies', convicted by God, risked it and washed the feet of each other. It would throw a monkey wrench into the camp of Satan. It could bring healing into a community. Is it not worth praying about? Is it not worth asking God to put it on the hearts of 'enemies' to humble themselves. Almost for sure there is one of the two, who is closer to the Lord and more wiling to 'bend the knee' to be more Christ like. If nothing else, just the gesture to be willing to do it could make a difference. It is certainly worth praying about, isn't it? Praying that God would bring humility into the lives of those who are in conflict. God could end up doing a work without a foot washing every taking place. Or maybe the foot washing would be a public representation of what took place in private between two individuals. (Imagine some foot washing at a City Council meeting or at a Community Club meeting.)

Standing in the Gap Foot Washing-Imagine
Say it is impossible to get two individuals in conflict to wash each other's feet. That is where Intercession and Standing in the Gap comes in. Imagine with me.

Someone has been very hateful, disrespectful, and attacked you publicly, speaking half truths and lies. You have bitterness in your heart, or you are just very wounded. You know it is wrong but seems impossible to forgive them. What if someone was to stand in the gap? Someone was willing to be representative of the person that has harmed you. They were willing to allow you to wash their feet? How would your heart change as you washed their feet and prayed over them?

Or you are the person that has harmed someone by your actions and words. You know there is no way they are willing to forgive you, but you want to show your remorse and make amends. How about you washing the feet of the person that stands in the gap as the person who you have harmed. The person you harmed may never forgive you but your conscious would be clean and just maybe God honors your humble actions and softens the heart of the person wounded.

Spiritual, not Physical Foot Washing
I know some of you will say, "Well this could happen in a spiritual way, not actually take place in the physical realm." Yes that is true. But I will tell you what I have seen for years. Over the years I have hard people say "It does not matter if you go to the altar or not, you can repent in the pew." "It does not matter if you go to church or not, you can worship God at home. "It does not matter if...". In itself, it does not matter, God can work anywhere, but I have seen more lives changed by going to an altar than sitting in a pew. I have seen more Christ like behavior from those who faithful attend church than those who worship in their home. Something happens when we humble ourselves, when we take actual steps to do what we need to do, when we do what makes us uncomfortable.

So, any takers? Anyone willing to be humble enough to wash the feet of another or to allow another to wash your feet? Any brave souls out there? I am more than willing to be first one. If you have a disdain for me, have something against me, I am more than willing to bow my knee before you and wash your feet. Hey, before I do it you can walk through a pig pen first. That is okay with me.

Change a Community-Foot Washing Podbean Podcast
Change a Community-Foot Washing Podcast Transcript