A Character or A Person of Character
A Character or A Person of Character

There is a giant difference between a person who is A CHARACTER and A PERSON OF CHARACTER when there is conflict. Which one are you? Which one do you want to be? The following are some generalities to show contrast.

Here is an interesting fact. Many times those who ARE CHARACTERS become deceived into believing they are people of character even though their actions, behaviors, words, show otherwise. They many times are self-righteous and hypocrites. They will attack and 'jump on' others, removing focus from their behavior. Those who are A PERSON OF CHARACTER feel they need to grow in character, they see where they fall short. They do not tear down others to lift themselves up.

A Character
They mock, name call, label, exaggerate, insinuate, infer, condemn, attack, generalize, bully. They attack the messenger and the message. They never have anything good to say about someone if they are not 'on their team'. They make people guilty by association. They claim to know the heart and motives of others. They are filled with bitterness and hatred. The person they hate is never good enough for them. They do all they can to get others to join them in their hatred-unholy alliances. They are never the problem, everyone else is the problem. They are self-righteous even when their behavior shows otherwise. They live with blinders-unable to see their flawed character traits and behavior. They are incapable of admitting the errors of their way. They are incapable of 'agreeing to disagree'. If you do not agree with them, you are the enemy. They justify all their ungodly behavior by stating they are 'standing for truth'.

A Person of Character
They respect those they disagree with, even if there is major disagreements. They are going to focus on the message not the messenger, so they have no need to put down and condemn the person that does not see things the same way as them. So you will not see them mocking, name calling, condemning, attacking. They certainly are not bullies. They do not group ALL PEOPLE who oppose them into the same category. They do not need to have people on their side. They will try to find areas of agreement. They operate out of concern and wanting to find positive solutions, what is best for all concerned. They certainly stand for truth, thus they do their best to live an honest and truthful life. Thus they are concerned about walking in godly character, not being a hypocrite. When they are wrong they are quick to admit it.

All Fall Short
All of us fall short, all of us are broken people, all of us need to grow in character, all of us need to look at our own personal life to see where there needs to be change. Sadly, for A CHARACTER, it is just about impossible for them to look inward. Everybody else is the problem. They will not listen to correction. They have too much pride.

All of us know People of Character and people who could be classified as A Character. If we ourselves are People of Character, we will not hate A Character. We will not condemn them. We will pray for them. We will pray for them to be healed of whatever wounds and scars are in their life that has caused them to be the way they are currently. We will pray that they have a full comprehension of the love of Father God. We will pray that the Holy Spirit grabs hold of their heart and reveals to them the errors of their way and they will repent. We pray they will make amends to those whom they have hurt, We pray that they will become A Person of Character.

How about finding a person who is A CHARACTER and find ways to love on them. Be the love of Christ to them.

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