Rhetoric and Talking Heads
Rhetoric and Talking Heads

Rhetoric can be the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech. Sadly, Rhetoric overall in today’s culture fits this definition-language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, BUT ultimately lacking in sincerity and replaced with personal motives; lacking meaningful content, instead language filled with labeling, mocking, name calling, innuendos; with a mixed bag of truth and lies.

Rhetoric today is many times the same talking heads spewing the same hateful accusatory words filled with insinuations, innuendos, half truth accusations, misrepresentations, claiming to know the heart and motives of ‘the enemy’, attacking the person instead of their positions and policies.

Rhetoric today is many times fueled with ‘The End Justifies the Means’ mentality. It is okay to lie, exaggerate, twist the truth if it helps you achieve your goal.

We see all of the above being played out in the local and national level.

It is hard to know what is true and what is not true when rhetoric is spewed and spewed. We should never form opinions or make critical decisions based upon the rhetoric that is dumped upon us, no matter who it comes from.

Do Your Research
Get the facts! Because I like someone does not mean they are speaking accurately and truthfully. Because I dislike someone does not mean they are wicked and evil.

Gather information from a variety of sources. Social media can at times be a good resource and at other times nothing but rumors, gossip, hatred, and vindictiveness. Making decisions just by what you read on Facebook is a form of laziness.

Ask questions. Become educated on the matter at hand. Look at potential motives. Look at character. Watch for hypocrisy. Did someone suddenly out of nowhere become kind, caring, righteous, with no sign of remorse for their previous actions and behavior.

Refuse to be a participate in the gossip, rumors, vitrol, that comes with the spewing of rhetoric. A Christ Follower certainly does not participate in bearing false witness. Avoid Christians who manifest such behavior.

Be Aware
Be aware of Christianize. Individuals who suddenly become super spiritual.

More than anything else pray, pray, pray.

Pray for God to give you wisdom. Pray for divine insight into a situation.

Pray you are not swayed by rhetoric but by truth.

Pray God will expose ulterior motives, lies, deception, corruption, hypocrisy.

Ask God to help you make decisions/vote based upon biblical principles, not feelings or emotions.

Ask God to help you make decisions based upon what is best for an entire community or nation, not just what is best for you. Christians are other-centered, not self-centered.

Pray for truth, righteousness, integrity to reign.

Pray for repentance to flow from our lives, our homes, our churches, our communities, our nation, OUR LEADERS.

Let's Pray for a Move of God-Let's Pray for Revival
Intercessory Prayer
Tuesdays, 4:45pm, Saturdays, 5:30pm
130 Village Pl, Suite 1-F, Fairfield Bay in Towne Center behind Village Market and next to ATV Encounters.
Call 1-866-WANTGOD, 1-866-926-8463, for details or to request prayer.

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