What would happen in our communities if there was Public Repentance for public sin along with public forgiveness? Will we ever get a chance to know???
What if those who publicly proclaim to be Christians would repent when they have spoken words that are more reflective of the character of Satan than the character of Christ? Or their actions and behavior have been more reflective of Satan than Christ? What if as they publicly repented, that those who have been wounded by them would publicly forgive them? Will we ever get a chance to know?
Public Sin
What do we mean by public sin? Speaking blatant lies about someone. Making innuendos, inferences about individuals not based upon facts but based upon rumor and gossip. Mocking, name calling, labeling. You might just put a general statement of speaking poisonous words. Or there is the claiming to know the heart and motives of a person. All of this falls under the title of bearing false witness. Any true follower of Christ knows this behavior is wrong, especially done in the public arena.
The Effect of Public Sin
It fuels hatred, division, disunity, unholy alliances, and unnecessary drama. To be quite blunt, it invites demonic spirits into a region when it becomes the norm. It can have an effect on an entire community, not just the person that is the recipient of such behavior.
Public Repentance Changing a Community
A. The person who has sinned public and repents publicly are less likely to manifest such behavior in the future.
B. There is the potential that through amends they and someone else are no longer enemies even if they do not agree on everything. They might just listen to what each other has to say.
C. Father God will be pleased.
D. One less foothold for Satan in a community.
E. Just maybe it would lead to repentance by others and revival comes to a community.
Public Forgiveness Changing a Community
Most certainly a community would be changed for the positive if the victim of public sin by another were to publicly forgive the guilty party that repents. Or amazingly publicly forgive the guilty party even if they do not repent.
Who is a True Christ Follower and Bold? Anyone?
Who is the one who calls themselves a Follower of Christ that is bold enough to publicly repent or publicly forgive. You may just be the vessel God uses to bring revival in a community.
Father God will You send the spirit of repentance upon the hearts of those who have publicly spoken poisonous words about others. Words that were half truths, words based upon gossip and rumors. words that were literal lies. Would they repent not just before you but before man. I would ask you put it upon the hearts of those who have been wounded to publicly forgive. Lord would you send revival. In Jesus Name.
Public Repentance Podbean Podcast
Public Repentance Podcast Transcript
Richard Dover (PreacherRichD) is the founder of Creating Futures. Richard has been involved in ministry for over for over 43 years. Some of the areas of ministry he has been involved in is addiction and sober housing ministry, community development, evangelism, jail & prison ministry, pastoral counseling, police chaplaincy, Radio & TV ministry, street ministry, youth ministry. Richard was a youth leader, an outreach pastor and senior pastor. He was also an Executive Director of a faith-based sober housing program.