If we want to see a positive change in our homes, in Fairfield Bay, in other communities, in our nation, it is time for those who claim to be Christians to Walk out the Love of God.
The Bible says people will know who we are as Christ followers if we have love one for another. Specifically, John 13, 34 to 35 says, I'm giving you a new commandment that you love one another, just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.” Verse 35, by this, what's the this? How he loved the disciples. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love one for another. So the Bible is saying people will know if we are Christians if we manifest the same kind of love that Jesus manifested to his disciples.
Sadly in Fairfield Bay and throughout America there are those who claim to be Christians that instead of walking out the love of God they are mocking, labeling, insinuating, assuming, spreading gossip and half-truths. If you are doing this it is time to ask yourself are you truly born again. Maybe you are. Maybe the issue is you are a broken, wounded, messed up Christian. Or maybe you know you are not a Christian.
Here is some good news. God loves us all and by His Holy Spirit He can bring wholeness into our lives and give us the grace to walk out His love. Call out to Him and He can do an amazing work on your heart.
Let's all ask God to give us a new heart-a heart of love and the ability to manifest His love to all. Yes, stand for truth but truth in love.
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Richard Dover (PreacherRichD) is the founder of Creating Futures. Richard has been involved in ministry for over for over 43 years. Some of the areas of ministry he has been involved in is addiction and sober housing ministry, community development, evangelism, jail & prison ministry, pastoral counseling, police chaplaincy, Radio & TV ministry, street ministry, youth ministry. Richard was a youth leader, an outreach pastor and senior pastor. He was also an Executive Director of a faith-based sober housing program.